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Professional Entertainment & Event Production

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Jessi Rae is a Pacific Northwest native with strong roots in the PDX community. From a young age, Jessi spent her time studying a variety of instruments!  This developed into a passion for music that is still burning like an Oregon Coast beach bonfire to this day! You name it, she plays it! Guitar, Bass, Percussion, Piano, Sax, even the Kazoo! 


Jessi Rae La Main has a passionate full voice and a lot to say! Her original music carries themes that support equal treatment of all people, and wholesome messages of love and hope! 


Jessi is an animal lover, equal rights and environmental activist, and is madly in love with her wife and kids!! She is an active part of her local community, a mom and farmer during the day, and an entertainer all the time!                                                        




Oregon City Porchfest

Oregon City Municipal Elevator

August 10th 

7:00 PM


Oregon City & West Linn

Aug.17th 24th 


Oregon City Pride

Clackamas Community College

September 7th

12-5 PM

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